Who can’t love the restaurant’s dimming like this?

What is your favorite thing to do when you go to a restaurant for dinner?


Don’t doubt, just take photos, take photos, take photos, and then share them on social media platforms to interact with friends. Of course, we are also selective in taking pictures and sharing. Only those restaurants that are “good-looking”, “high-sentimental”, and “beautiful” places. In the restaurant, lighting is not a simple matter of thing. If LED dimming is used in it, it can not only stimulate and stimulate people’s appetite, but also give the restaurant a unique charm.


Restaurant lighting dimming design principles

Warm light

Multi-level lighting design Lighting should not exist in isolation. In addition to basic lighting, modern lighting design should systematically and multi-dimensionally create the overall lighting effect of the restaurant and create a good dining atmosphere.


Multi-level lighting design

Lighting should not exist in isolation. In addition to basic lighting, modern lighting design should systematically and multi-dimensionally create the overall lighting effect of the restaurant and create a good dining atmosphere.


Different dimming in different areas

The restaurant is divided into cashier area, negotiation area, dining area and aisle according to the area. These different areas require different dimming designs due to different functional attributes.


Restaurant lighting solutions

What problem does our solution mainly solve?

Intelligent dimming and color temperature

One-key switching of smart scenes

√ Multiple scene presets

√ Regularly, make an appointment to open the customized scene

Energy-saving lighting

Simple and beautiful

Restaurant dimming scheme

Realize function:

Preset control of partitioned scenes (Cashier area, negotiation area, dining area, aisle set lighting combination according to time or customer needs)

0.1% precise dimming, free adjustment of color temperature

Light transition is soft (can be slowly switched to another mode within a certain period of time)

Timing preset scenes (the door closes at 12 o’clock, and it automatically and slowly transitions to the end of business reminder mode 15 minutes in advance)

Five Kitchens Restaurant at K11 Square, Shanghai

When the restaurant is not in business, through the combination of Euchips lighting control system and dimming equipment, the basic lighting in the service desk area is adjusted to 50% brightness. Adjust the aisle area to 30% brightness. The lighting of other private rooms and the open restaurant will be closed.

When the restaurant is in business, through the combination of the Euchips lighting control system and dimming equipment, the key lighting of the artwork, dining table, and service desk is adjusted to 70% brightness. In the rest area, the auxiliary lighting is adjusted to 50% brightness. Ensure that customers highlight the color and freshness of food without glare at the table, and provide customers with a comfortable dining experience.

Shanghai Changning Raffles Plaza Xiaodao Fish and Chips Restaurant

At night, through the cooperation of the Euchips lighting control system and dimming equipment, the brightness of the entire area is adjusted to about 40%. Adjust the brightness of the aisle and kitchen to about 60%.

During the day, the lobby bar combines the natural light of the outside environment, the Euchips lighting control system and dimming equipment, turn off the light in the window area, and adjust the brightness of the area away from the window to 50% brightness. The focus is on the artwork and the screen is painted. To 70% brightness. Without affecting the architectural style, it creates a comfortable and relaxing mood for customers to negotiate here.

Post time: Jan-03-2024